You can quickly and easily update your due date through either the website or app.
If using The Bump app:
Tap your profile icon at the top right corner of the home screen
Tap on Edit My Profile
Under Status, tap your current Pregnant profile
Tap Edit My Continuing Pregnancy
Update the Due Date and tap Save
Log out of the app and back in again to ensure your app is updated immediately
If using The Bump website:
Log in to your account on
Click the avatar in the top right corner
Click Edit My Profile
At the bottom of the page you will see a section titled My Profiles
Click on your Pregnant profile
Change the Due Date and click Save Edit
Click Update at the bottom of the page to save your new account details
Log out and back in again, to ensure your account is reflecting your changes
If you would like to remove a profile or report a loss, you can use this same process for both the app or website. Just follow the messaging when prompted, allowing your profile to be removed.
Use the Submit a Request form found here in the Help Center if you have more questions for our team. We look forward to connecting with you soon!